
Bag unloading:
Reduce bottlenecks
and downtime

Gain efficiency with Floveyor bulk bag unloading solutions

Floveyor bulk bag unloaders are designed to safely and efficiently discharge bulk materials into your process, with minimal dust and product wastage. Whether you need a big bag station or you’re manually tipping smaller flat-bottom FIBCs, we have a solution for any size or type of bulk bag.

A Floveyor aero-mechanical conveyor (AMC) paired with our bag unloader is one of the most effective and reliable ways for getting your bulk materials into the plant.

a floveyor bulk bag discharger and truck loader with electrical controls

Descarga de sacos a granel

Floveyor decanting solutions for Reusable FIBC Unloading (RFU) and Disposable FIBC Unloading (DFU) seamlessly integrate with existing production lines for optimal bulk material handling. Our equipment is ergonomically designed for the safety and comfort of your operators. Because we’ve been developing bulk bag unloading solutions for more than 60 years, we’ve mastered the challenges related to material flow, cleanability and dust emissions.

Compatibility with various bag sizes and types, along with high efficiency and reduced downtime, make Floveyor bulk bag unloading solutions the first choice for bulk material delivery systems all over the world.

Reusable bag unloading

Disposable bag unloading

Bag dump station - Manual bag unloading

Designed for smaller bags, Floveyor’s bag dump station supports operators to quickly and efficiently empty bags while preventing bottlenecks and enhancing productivity.

Estación de descarga de bolsas

Por qué Floveyor

  • Powder handling specialists since 1958
  • Dust-free bag emptying
  • Efficient operation
  • Precision in unloading, even at high throughputs
  • Structurally certified frame
  • Low-profile designs available for height limitations
  • High-quality Australian manufacturing
  • Soluciones modulares y personalizables
  • Fácil mantenimiento e higienización
  • Bajo coste total de propiedad

Increase efficiency with Floveyor bag unloading solutions

Learn how Floveyor bag unloading solutions can optimise your bulk material handling, improve operator safety and reduce downtime.

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