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Truck loading system for a global supplier of hydrated lime

Relocatable truck loading system for global supply of hydrated lime

A global supplier of lime and limestone approached Floveyor with a specific request. They required a conveyor system for rapid, high-volume transfer of dusty materials, that could be relocated between their three operations across Australia and New Zealand.


The customer’s hydrated lime operations focus on the production of high-calcium and dolomitic lime, and lime-based products such as hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) and pulverised limestone and construction stone. The resulting products are used in the purification of air and water, and the production of steel, paper, and metals.


With hydrated lime carrying the potential for high-risk impact on the environment, the relocatable conveyor system also had to provide industrial strength dust containment.


The challenge of dusty, hydrated lime powder


Hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide hydrated lime), also known as quicklime or builders’ lime, requires careful handling due to its caustic nature. It can cause severe skin and eye irritation, or burns. Its fine dust can irritate the respiratory system, and prolonged exposure may lead to lung damage. While already in a hydrated form, it can still react exothermically with water, generating heat and posing burn or splatter risks. Additionally, improper disposal can negatively impact the environment by altering pH levels of waterways. Therefore, appropriate equipment and precautions are essential when handling hydrated lime.


Truck loading with dust extraction


Floveyor supplied the client with two Bulk Bag Truck Loaders with Dust Extraction for rapid, high-volume truck loading of calcium hydroxide hydrated lime.


The versatile Floveyor Endura Truck Loader F5 provides a fit-for-purpose and affordable conveyor system. It features a fully integrated dust collector for extracting 3,500m³ of dust-laden air. This allows full containment during the piercing and dumping of even the dustiest materials, such as calcium hydroxide hydrated lime. Its unloading rates are up to 54 TPH and it includes an 1800 L storage hopper.


A semi-mobile and relocatable truck loader


Floveyor’s Endura Truck Loader F5 is specifically designed for easy mobility and relocation, while delivering the benefits and features of a fixed plant application.


Once the power is disconnected and the equipment is safely isolated from its power source, the mobile aero-mechanical conveyor can simply be detached from the skid-mounted screw feeder and dust extraction system. Components can be fastened to a flatbed truck for safe relocation to a new site.


This simplicity is a testament to the design philosophy behind Floveyor’s systems – to provide both operational efficiency and the flexibility to adapt to changing site requirements without the need for external support.


Safe and efficient truck loading continues


Since 2015, Floveyor and the customer have enjoyed a long working relationship. The Floveyor Bulk Bag Truck Loaders met the client’s specific requirements to handle calcium hydroxide hydrated lime safely and efficiently. The conveyor systems have already been relocated a number of times between Queensland, Victoria and New Zealand, and are still running well to date.


Para más información


If you need a conveyor system and bulk material handling equipment for truck loading of dusty or high-risk materials, a Floveyor with FloDisc® Technology will optimise your powder handling. Contact us to learn more