Conveying materials for life sciences

Gentle, clean conveying for life sciences materials

Meeting the challenges of conveying life sciences materials

Bulk material handling for life sciences products requires rigour to ensure product safety. Cleanliness is paramount since many products come in direct contact with a consumer’s skin and household. Operator safety is always a concern, especially when dealing with dusty or explosive materials. Can manufacturers safely and efficiently convey life sciences materials like those used in skincare, beauty products and household products? We think so. 

An aero-mechanical conveyor (AMC) using FloDisc® Technology provides safe, gentle, and rapid transfer of materials used in life sciences manufacturing. Floveyor engineered the fully enclosed design to control dust and prevent product contamination while rapidly propelling materials at any elevation. Total batch transfers and easy cleaning options for CIP and COP ensure maximum efficiency in your process line. It’s why Floveyor is the ideal choice for bulk material handling of life sciences materials. 


Materialeigenschaften des Förderers chemische Reaktion
Reaktive Chemikalien

Bedarf an korrosionsbeständigen Geräten

Materialeigenschaften des Förderers gefährlich
Explosiv / Gefährlich

Strenge Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, Explosionsschutz erforderlich

Materialeigenschaften des Flurförderers Ausfallzeiten bei der Wartung
Komplexe Merkmale

Vielfältige Herausforderungen bei der Handhabung, erhöhte Betriebskosten

Our products for conveying for life sciences

Bereich Förderer


Produktpalette endura aeromechanischer Förderer

Mühelose Integration in komplexe Anwendungen und Websites

  • Bis zu 54 TPH
  • Chemisch reinigen
  • Nass sauber
  • ATEX und IECEx Zone 21

Bulk material handling equipment

Warum Floveyor

Floveyor invented aero-mechanical conveying and has been evolving powder handling for 65 years. A single Floveyor can safely and gently transfer and elevate thousands of powders, granules, flakes, pellets and beads in your life sciences plant. Our tubular drag conveyor (TDC) is ideal for complex routes and multiple discharge points. Floveyor conveyors are energy efficient, and are available for hazardous applications and in mobile units to accommodate COP. Hygienic and even super hygienic conveying options are available. Whether you have a greenfield operation or need process line technology to integrate with your existing operation, Floveyor has versatile conveying technology to keep your plant running safely and your materials flowing at high capacity.


Discover the Floveyor advantage for bulk materials handling of materials for life sciences, already trusted by a diverse customer base across the globe.

Wo Floveyor Mehrwert schaffen kann

Der Unterschied der FloDisc-Technologie

Wenn man alles berücksichtigt, was für einen optimalen Materialtransport in der chemischen Industrie erforderlich ist, gibt es nur einen Förderer, der alle Anforderungen erfüllt - Floveyor mit FloDisc® Technology.


Sehen Sie sich das Video an >

Mit höchster Effizienz arbeiten

Floveyor has optimised bulk materials handling for life sciences in hundreds of manufacturing plants around the world. Let’s work together to make sure your process is operating at peak efficiency, cleanliness and safety with conveyors and process line technology from powder handling specialists.

Schicken Sie uns Ihr Produkt zum Testen

Watch our material tests for life sciences. Or get in touch with our powder handling specialists to arrange a test for you using your own product.

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