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Home » Food and Beverage Conveying » Sugar Conveyor
Meeting the challenges of sugar handling
The aero-mechanical method of conveying (AMC) using FloDisc® Technology is a gentle, rapid and safe way to handle bulk sugar. Floveyor engineered the fully enclosed design to prevent the impact of moisture and dust while preserving the integrity of the sugar. It makes Floveyor the ideal choice for the safe, bulk material handling of sugar at high throughputs.
Características de los materiales
Volume changes with humidity,
handling issues
Acelera el desgaste del equipo, más mantenimiento
Estrictas medidas de seguridad, necesidades a prueba de explosiones
Conveyor ranges – Sugar conveyor
Cumplimiento y garantía de calidad de los alimentos secos de bajo riesgo
Ventajas de un diseño limpio para el procesado de alimentos sofisticados
Diseñado para cumplir los estrictos requisitos mundiales de seguridad alimentaria
Bulk material handling equipment
Floveyor invented the AMC and has been evolving powder handling for 65 years. In addition to sugar, a single Floveyor can transfer and elevate thousands of food-grade powders and granules in your food processing plant. Our tubular drag conveyor (TDC) is ideal for complex routes and multiple discharge points. Floveyor conveyors are easy to clean, operate quietly, and are available for hazardous applications and in mobile units. Whether you have a greenfields operation or need process line technology to integrate with your existing operation, Floveyor has the conveying technology you need to keep your plant running safely and efficiently.
Discover the Floveyor advantage for sugar conveying, already trusted by a diverse customer base across the globe.
Cuando se tiene todo en cuenta para un procesamiento óptimo de materiales de alimentación y bebidas, sólo un transportador cumple todos los requisitos: Floveyor con tecnología FloDisc.®.
Floveyor has optimised bulk sugar processing in hundreds of plants around the world. Let’s work together to make sure your plant is operating at peak capacity and safety with sugar conveyor and process line technology from powder handling specialists.
Watch our material tests for sugar. Or get in touch with our powder handling specialists to arrange a test for you using your own product.
Floveyor se especializa en la ingeniería y fabricación de máquinas y equipos para la manipulación eficiente de materiales a granel de polvos y gránulos.