Conveying Battery Minerals

Optimise powder handling for battery minerals

Meeting the challenges of battery minerals conveying

Understanding how to optimise powder handling for battery minerals conveying systems is key to designing and operating high-yield midstream processing operations. But battery minerals, especially lithium hydroxide, are easily degraded, susceptible to water, highly corrosive and reactive to carbon dioxide. How can you keep your operators safe and maximise your yield?

An aero-mechanical conveyor (AMC) using FloDisc® Technology is a rapid, gentle, and safe way to handle battery minerals. Our tubular drag conveyor (TDC) is ideal for complex routes and multiple discharge points. Our fully enclosed designs areengineered to mitigate the risk of ferrous and CO2 contamination and provide an excellent foundation for high-yield midstream battery minerals processing. Floveyor conveying systems require little maintenance and can be trusted to reliably provide high throughputs without damaging the crystalline structure of LiOH.H20.

Caractéristiques des matériaux

teneur en eau
Poudres fluides

Inondations, flux incontrôlés, contrôle des poussières, problèmes de ségrégation

Caractéristiques du matériau du convoyeur fragile
Matériaux fragiles

Nécessite une manipulation délicate, limite les types de systèmes

Caractéristiques des matériaux du convoyeur Temps d'arrêt pour entretien
Traits complexes

Difficultés de manutention multiples, coûts d'exploitation accrus

Our products for conveying battery minerals

Gamme de convoyeurs


Gamme de produits endura convoyeur aéromécanique

Intégration aisée avec des applications et des sites complexes

  • Jusqu'à 54 TPH
  • Nettoyage à sec
  • Nettoyage humide
  • ATEX & IECEx Zone 21

Technologie des lignes de process

Pourquoi Floveyor ?

Floveyor invented the AMC and has been evolving powder handling for 65 years. In addition to battery minerals, a single Floveyor can transfer and elevate thousands of sensitive and valuable powders and granules in your process. Our conveyors are easy to clean, operate quietly, and are available for hazardous applications and in mobile units. Whether you have a greenfield operation or need process line technology to integrate with your existing operation, Floveyor has the conveying technology you need to keep your plant running safely and at maximum capacity. 


Discover the Floveyor advantage for battery minerals handling, already trusted by a diverse customer base across the globe.

Où Floveyor peut apporter une valeur ajoutée

La différence de la technologie FloDisc

When you take everything into account for optimal critical minerals processing, only one conveyor meets all the requirements – Floveyor with FloDisc® Technology.


Voir la vidéo >

Find out how to optimise your yield

We’re ready to show you how better powder handling can optimise your yield for the future of battery minerals processing and the shift to renewable energies.

Envoyez-nous votre produit pour qu'il soit testé

Watch our R&D tests for bulk materials handling. Or get in touch with our powder handling specialists to arrange a test for you using your own product.

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Floveyor. Tous droits réservés.