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sifting white flour

Millers Foods – doing the hard things better

Millers Foods is an independent 100% Australian owned milling and baking products company. Established in 1999, Miller’s attribute their ongoing success in a highly competitive marketplace to providing premium products and excellent technical support. In short, to maintain the quality of their diverse range of products including white, rye, whole meal and pizza flours and bread and cake premixes, Millers are committed to ‘doing the hard things better’.


The challenge


In 2014 as part of their due diligence and quality control, Millers added an additional sieving step to their white flour production. This step was inserted between milling and product transfer to bulk silo storage. Implementing this process innovation presented the following logistical and conveying challenges:

  • Space and height constraints – to elevate the flour from the first floor mill to the fourth floor six stage multi deck sieve required a near vertical transfer angle
  • Diverting products not destined for bulk storage – to divert products needing alternative or additional processing would required the installation of a diverter value


David Davies, Millers’ Production Manager soon narrowed his search for suitable equipment to bucket elevators and aero-mechanical conveyors. His decision to partner with Floveyor was based on identifying the most effective solution to his space and elevation issues and an insight into how our conveyor’s unique fluidising technology and simple low maintenance design could improve the overall efficiency of Millers’ operations.


Davies also knew he could trust Floveyor’s impeccable reputation in food industry conveying. “The simplicity of the Floveyor technology and huge portfolio of existing food applications gave me huge confidence on my choice of the solution and supplier,” he said.


The results


We worked with Davies to develop a project scope that covered every stage of the white flour process innovation from design to commissioning, including the interface connections from the existing mill to the exit process and the new sieve.


Millers’ custom designed Floveyor:

  • exceeded output expectations by delivering dust free, total batch transfers of 4 grades of white flour with a bulk density range between 600 – 1000kgs/m3 at a rate of between 5 to 6000kgs/hour
  • improved product feed rates to all other process as well as the sieve as a result of continuous, gentle aero-mechanical conveying
  • reduced maintenance and cleaning downtime as a result of our fully enclosed, uncompleted design.


The last word


We like to give this to the person who matters most – our satisfied customer at Millers Foods, Production Manager David Davies.


The advantages of the Floveyor’s operation is benefiting our current process lines but also our new sieve as having an aerated feed means the sieve is not working as hard as if it had a dump feed on the mesh. The Floveyor also removed the need for ventilation at the sieve due to its recirculation of displaced air
